Whether you are using Sent’s API or not, this page is a quick way to understand how Sent works.

Within Sent, all data belongs to a Site. Within a Site, you have Subscribers, Message Templates, Message Actions, and Messages.


Sites are the main organizational units within Sent, akin to a project or application in other platforms. Each site represents an independent environment for handling messaging operations, including subscriber management, message sending, and analytics. Sites are isolated, ensuring that data and operations do not overlap across different sites. You can invite team members to collaborate within a site, where they can manage subscribers, create message templates, and track message performance.

When interacting with Sent’s API, you will need to specify the Site ID to perform any operation. You can find the site ID under the General settings page of your site.


Subscribers are individuals who have subscribed to receive messages from your site. Subscribers have unique identifiers and can subscribe to various communication channels like email or SMS. They can be managed via the Sent API or the Sent dashboard.

Message Model